Taiwan improves two places in democracy index

標題都下得很好聽,但是請注意經濟學人這個雜誌對臺灣是不是太不友善了(前一陣子還說馬英九BUMBLER????),從2006年開始我們的排名都是30幾,被歸在flawed democracy,但是日本韓國都是full democracy。



台灣被歸在35名:flawed democracy  (25名之前的國家才是FULL DEMOCRACY)

個別國家中:臺灣的Featured analysis提到

Politics | March 27th 2013

Next Media deal falls to free press concerns


A fierce debate about media freedoms points to the robust state of democracy in Taiwan.
Taiwan improves two places in democracy index

Taiwan’s democracy ranking improved two spots in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index last year from 2011, to 35th in the world and third in Asia.

The report shows that Taiwan had an overall score of 7.57 last year, up from 7.46 in 2011.

Taiwan was ranked 32nd in the first index, 33rd in 2008, 36th in 2010 and 37th in 2011. No reports were published for 2007 and 2009.

The index is based on five categories — electoral process and pluralism; the functioning of government; political culture; civil liberties; and political participation.

Taiwan scored the same in the first four categories as last time, but scored an improved 6.11 out of 10 in the political participation category last year, up from 5.56 the previous year.

According to the report, Taiwan is one of 54 countries that fall into the index’s “flawed democracies” category, along with Hong Kong, which is ranked 63rd in the world.

Only 25 countries, representing 11.3 percent of the global population, are ranked as “full democracies.” Japan (23rd) and South Korea (20th) are the only two Asian countries among the 25 full democracies.




Taiwan ranked Asia's 3rd most democratic country; world's 35th








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